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15 to 1
The Local
The People Versus

As well as writing questions for quiz leagues &tc., the Wise Old Owls have worked with TV & Radio and stand ready to do so again.

If you are a TV or Radio producer you might like to know we have in the past put researchers in touch with individuals & teams prepared to appear in quiz shows, thus obviating the need for extensive auditions.

The Wise Old Owls also have an idea for an original game-show format which they believe will prove exciting & entertaining.  We are keen to discuss it with an established production company.  If that's you, then please contact us.

On a lighter note, Chris Jones of the Wise Old has himself appeared on televised quizzes on no fewer than six occasions - the first on Channel 4's celebrated "15 to 1".

Later, in 1999, Chris made two winning appearances on a "live" quiz that was broadcast as part of Yorkshire Television's Friday night show "The Local" .

Last summer (August 2000) Chris spent many an hour submitting questions in the hope of getting onto 'The People Versus'.  While he had a number of questions accepted for the show, he has yet to unseat a contestant.  You can view his observations on the show's format, and share his many experiences in sending in questions, by following the link above.

Oh yes, in February/March 2001 he appeared on two editions of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and won £32,000.  He'd got to the £125,000 question without loosing a lifeline, but sadly dropped back to £32k after gambling on a question about US Presidents.





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Copyright © Wise Old Olws 2000 & 2001 
Last modified: August 23, 2001