goes back to the mid-to-late 1950s when a certain Professor Joad appeared
on BBC Television’s Brains Trust.
He was in the habit of starting his answer to every question with
it depends on what you mean by …”.
The Brains Trust was not a quiz in the ordinary
sense, the Professor’s caveat is likely to be heard in just about every
quiz you witness. Since, even
when the person setting the question has taken great care (and that’s
far from always the case), its all too easy to allow some ambiguity to
creep in. For example …
Which countries make up the region known as Scandinavia?
“It depends what you mean by Scandinavia!”
to my copy of the Oxford Dictionary, Scandinavia is defined
along the lines of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland.
But in the Encyclopaedia Britannica you can read
“Scandinavia … generally held to consist of the
two countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Norway and Sweden, with the
addition of Denmark. Some authorities argue for the inclusion of Finland
on geologic and economic grounds and of Iceland and the Faroe Islands on
the grounds that their inhabitants speak North Germanic (or Scandinavian)
languages related to those of Norway and Sweden.”
safest approach, if you must ask the question, is to word it more
carefully. I prefer …
“ Question: A
bit contentious this one, according to my Oxford Dictionary, which 4
countries make up Scandinavia?
Answer: Denmark, Iceland, Norway
& Sweden”.
second thoughts, perhaps one is best just avoiding asking such questions
in the first place!