1. Excepting Rock Creek, which are the two main water courses (rivers) on which the city of Washington DC stands ?

Anacostia & Potomac

2. There are two herbs beginning with the letter "F" which are commonly used in food preparation; what are they ?

Fennel & Fenugreek

3. Of the many species of penguin which, respectively, are the tallest and the shortest ?

Emperor (45") & Fairy or Little Blue (14")

4. Based on average (mean) depth, which two of the world's oceans are, respectively, the deepest & the shallowest ?

Pacific (14,040' ) & Arctic ( 3,240' )

5. Apart from the obvious - violet - which are the two common colours of the flower known as the African Violet ?

White & Pink

6. There are six species of rhinoceros, three of them - the black, white & Sumatran - have two horns. Which three species have only one (One point for one of them, or Two points for two or more) ?

Indian, Javan & Vietnamese

7. Sites in which two countries - one in Africa, the other in S. America - have experienced, respectively, the highest ever recorded temperature anywhere in the world and the longest period ever without rainfall ?

Libya & Chile

8. With atomic numbers 89 and 40 respectively, which substances appear first and last when the chemical elements are arranged alphabetically ?

Actinium & Zirconium

9. There are two collective nouns appropriate to foxes, which are they ?

Leash & Skulk

10. New Zealand's largest glacier flows down the eastern slopes of the country's highest mountain; can you name them both ?

Tasman (Glacier) & Mount Cook



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Last modified: August 23, 2001